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Building Up. Making Canada’s cities magnets for talent and engines of development

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Building Up. Making Canada’s cities magnets for talent and engines of development

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Canada25 is a non-partisan organization dedicated to engaging the perspectives of young Canadians living around the world in Canada`s public policy debates. Over the course of 2002, we turned our attention to the problem faced by Canada’s cities. Some 80% of Canadians live in them, and they are the places where innovation happens in this country. However, as the poor cousins of the constitution, they are forced to fight for fiscal table scraps while dealing with a massive increase in downloaded responsibilities. It’s no surprise that citizens are calling for change. We believe in this change. We believe that with some work, some money, and a lot of goodwill, Canada’s cities can become magnets for the best global talent and engines of development and innovation.
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Fecha de última modificación: 17 de octubre del 2006, 14:17