Tipo de producción/Type of Production
Año de producción/Production Year
Duración/Running time
111 min.
Babak Jalali
Ginevra Elkann, Christophe Audeguis, Frans Van Gestel, Julio Chavezmontes, Dominique Marzotto
Babak Jalali
Agnès Godard (Francia)
Nico Leunen (Francia)
Yozef Van Wissem (Italia)
Babak Jalali
Ginevra Elkann, Christophe Audeguis, Frans Van Gestel, Julio Chavezmontes, Dominique Marzotto
Babak Jalali
Agnès Godard (Francia)
Nico Leunen (Francia)
Yozef Van Wissem (Italia)
Los Denetclaw, una familia nativo-americana de la reserva Wolf Prairie, son informados que Floyd, el hijo más joven de la familia, ha muerto realizando su servicio militar en Afganistán. Comienza la espera de que el cuerpo regrese a la reserva para ser enterrado.
A Wesley, el siguiente hijo de la familia, la muerte de su hermano no lo golpea realmente, ya que su único objetivo durante el día es conseguir cerveza. Él está en contacto diario con la población blanca que es dueña de las licorerías que se han instalado fuera de la
reserva. La tensión entre ambas poblaciones alcanza niveles desagradables cuando Wesley se convierte en la víctima de un acto de violencia desmedida. El hijo mayor, Raymond, es un alcohólico en recuperación con una esposa y un hijo, que a pesar de tener un gran
sentido de responsabilidad por su familia extendida, se ha dejado paralizar por sus fantasmas. Sin embargo, los problemas que han afectado a sus dos hermanos lo obligan a ponerse de pie y ser un hombre de nuevo.
The Denetclaw Family are Native American and live on the Prairie Wolf Indian Reservation. News reaches them that Floyd, the youngest son of the family, has died during military service in Afghanistan. The waiting begins to get his body back to the Reservation to be buried. The youngest surviving son, Wesley, is an alcoholic. His brother´s death doesn´t really hit him as his only aim during the day is to get hold of beer. Wesley is in daily contact with the white population who run the liquor stores right outside the Reservation. This uneasy relationship reaches unpleasant levels when acts of violence break out and he is directly affected. The eldest son, Raymond, is a recovering alcoholic with a wife and a son. Although he feels a sense of responsibility for the extended family, he feels too emasculated to do something about it. Until the troubles that have affected his two brothers force him to stand up and be a man again.
The Denetclaw Family are Native American and live on the Prairie Wolf Indian Reservation. News reaches them that Floyd, the youngest son of the family, has died during military service in Afghanistan. The waiting begins to get his body back to the Reservation to be buried. The youngest surviving son, Wesley, is an alcoholic. His brother´s death doesn´t really hit him as his only aim during the day is to get hold of beer. Wesley is in daily contact with the white population who run the liquor stores right outside the Reservation. This uneasy relationship reaches unpleasant levels when acts of violence break out and he is directly affected. The eldest son, Raymond, is a recovering alcoholic with a wife and a son. Although he feels a sense of responsibility for the extended family, he feels too emasculated to do something about it. Until the troubles that have affected his two brothers force him to stand up and be a man again.
Compañías productoras/Production companies
Asmara Films (Italia), The Cup Of Tea (Francia), Topkapi Films (Holanda) y Piano Producciones Cinematográficas (México)
Rod Rondeaux, Florence Klein, Wilma Pelly, James Coleman, Mark Mahoney
Tecate, Baja California (México)
Piano Producciones Cinematográficas
Julio Chavezmontes
Zacatecas 8-6
Col. Roma Norte
CP 06700, Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52) 55 63 94 40 81
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Distribution / Distribution
BAC Films 9 rue Pierre Dupont
75010 Paris – France
Tel.: (33-180) 49 10 00
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Julio Chavezmontes
Zacatecas 8-6
Col. Roma Norte
CP 06700, Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52) 55 63 94 40 81
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Distribution / Distribution
BAC Films 9 rue Pierre Dupont
75010 Paris – France
Tel.: (33-180) 49 10 00
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Fecha de última modificación: 10 de agosto del 2020, 13:21
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía