Cabeza de Buda
Buddha´s Head
Tipo de producción/Type of Production
Año de producción/Production Year
Duración/Running time
90 min.
Salvador Garcini
Fernando Pérez Gavilán M. y Alex García
Antonio Abascal, Marimar Oliver
Alfredo Kassem
Luciana Jauffred
Rafael Rubio
Xavier Asali
Dirección de arte/Art direction
Olin Díaz
Salvador Garcini
Fernando Pérez Gavilán M. y Alex García
Antonio Abascal, Marimar Oliver
Alfredo Kassem
Luciana Jauffred
Rafael Rubio
Xavier Asali
Dirección de arte/Art direction
Olin Díaz
Una historia sobre la búsqueda espiritual que vincula la parte egocéntrica y el deseo de cambiar de los seres humanos. Tomás, un famoso y egocéntrico actor, compra una cabeza de Buda en la Lagunilla. En un intento por evitar ser asaltado, accidentalmente mata al ladrón con dicha cabeza. Su vida empieza a cambiar, obligándolo a enfrentar este crimen y a descubrir la absoluta banalidad de su existencia. En busca de redención se enfrenta con la madre del ladrón y le pide perdón, aprendiendo a perdonarse a sí mismo.
This is a tale of a spiritual journey which links human egocentricism with the desire to change. Thomas, a famous and self-centered actor buys a Buddha´s head in the Lagunilla market. He is attacked by a robber who he kills in self-defense, using his new sacred acquisition. His life begins to change as he is forced to confront his crime and, as a result, discovers the triviality of his existence. In search of redemption he encounters the mother of his assailant and asks for her forgiveness, thus learning to forgive himself.
This is a tale of a spiritual journey which links human egocentricism with the desire to change. Thomas, a famous and self-centered actor buys a Buddha´s head in the Lagunilla market. He is attacked by a robber who he kills in self-defense, using his new sacred acquisition. His life begins to change as he is forced to confront his crime and, as a result, discovers the triviality of his existence. In search of redemption he encounters the mother of his assailant and asks for her forgiveness, thus learning to forgive himself.
Kuno Becker, Vanessa Bauche, Silvia Navarro, Irán Castillo, Rafael Sánchez Navarro, Julio Bracho, Alejandro Felipe Flores, Jesús Zavala Esparza, Eugenio Cobo, Adrián Uribe, Sergio Goiry, Alberto Estrella, Pedro Damián, Ernesto Godoy, Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez, Eugenia Cauduro, Zaneta Seilerova, Priscilia Avellaneda, Santiago Hernández, Ricardo Chávez, Irene Arcila y Sergio Catalán
Videocine, S.A. de C.V.
Benito Juárez 7
Col. Del Carmen Coyoacán
CP 14100, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52-55) 5339 3000, 5339 3028
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Benito Juárez 7
Col. Del Carmen Coyoacán
CP 14100, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52-55) 5339 3000, 5339 3028
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Fecha de última modificación: 19 de agosto del 2010, 9:21
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía