Chiapas. El corazón del café
Chiapas. The Heart of Coffee
Tipo de producción/Type of Production
Año de producción/Production Year
Duración/Running time
98 min.
Alejandro González Padilla
Alejandro González Padilla, Francisco Laresgoiti, Jaime Camil
Alejandro González Padilla
Fabián Monroy
Alejandro González Padilla, Luis M. Robinson
Odilón Chávez Silva
Alejandro González Padilla
Alejandro González Padilla, Francisco Laresgoiti, Jaime Camil
Alejandro González Padilla
Fabián Monroy
Alejandro González Padilla, Luis M. Robinson
Odilón Chávez Silva
En 1824, John McGee, un aventurero inglés, y su joven esposa llegan
al Soconusco. Ahí buscan cumplir su sueño de prosperidad y
convertirse en los primeros productores de café. Al llegar a Chiapas
ven que el estado se ha separado de la capitanía de Guatemala para
adoptar un gobierno transitorio y anárquico que durará 18 años.
Durante este tiempo John verá su sueño frustrado y deberá
refugiarse en su propia finca bajo la protección del clero. La entrega
en dote de su hija Isabel, como última opción para cumplir su sueño,
lo llevará a negociar con Gerónimo y Julián, vendedores de cafetos y
esclavos, respectivamente. En medio de la belleza y la hostilidad de
la selva surge una historia de amor y traición que enmarcó la llegada
del café a Chiapas.
In 1824, John McGee, an English adventurer, arrived in the Soconusco area of Chiapas with his young wife. There, they sought to fulfill their dream of prosperity and become the first producers of coffee. Upon reaching Chiapas, they discovered that the state had seceded from the rule of Guatemala, plunging into an interim and anarchic government that lasted for 18 years. During this time, John saw his dream frustrated and was forced to seek refuge at his own farm under the protection of the clergy. The dowry of his daughter Isabel becomes his last chance to make his dream come true, as he negotiates with Geronimo and Julian, sellers of coffee plants and slaves, respectively. In the midst of the beauty and hostility of the jungle, a story of love and betrayal emerges, framing the arrival of coffee to Chiapas.
In 1824, John McGee, an English adventurer, arrived in the Soconusco area of Chiapas with his young wife. There, they sought to fulfill their dream of prosperity and become the first producers of coffee. Upon reaching Chiapas, they discovered that the state had seceded from the rule of Guatemala, plunging into an interim and anarchic government that lasted for 18 years. During this time, John saw his dream frustrated and was forced to seek refuge at his own farm under the protection of the clergy. The dowry of his daughter Isabel becomes his last chance to make his dream come true, as he negotiates with Geronimo and Julian, sellers of coffee plants and slaves, respectively. In the midst of the beauty and hostility of the jungle, a story of love and betrayal emerges, framing the arrival of coffee to Chiapas.
Compañías productoras/Production companies
Producciones por Marca, S.A. de C.V.
Película realizada con el Estímulo Fiscal del artículo 226 de la LISR (EFICINE Producción) / This film was funded with incentives in Article 226 of the Federal Income Tax Law (EFICINE Production)
35 mm
Hugo Speer, Jaime Camil, Carmen Aub, Juan Ignacio Aranda, Horacio García-Rojas, Myriam Bravo, María de la Fuente, Isabella Roch, Bárbaro Marín, Manuel Balbi, Mónica Huarte, Sammy Samir
Tapachula, Comitán, Soconusco, Lagos de Montebello, Las Nubes, Barra San José (Chiapas); Ciudad de México (México)
Español, inglés
Producciones por Marca, S.A. de C.V.
Alejandro González Padilla
Lamartine 115
Col. Chapultepec Morales
CP 11570, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52) 55 55 31 40 80
Enlace a página 1
Alejandro González Padilla
Lamartine 115
Col. Chapultepec Morales
CP 11570, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52) 55 55 31 40 80
Enlace a página 1
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Fecha de última modificación: 27 de enero del 2022, 7:28
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía