Muerte, cuídame...porque sin mí, tú te mueres
Death, take care of me....because, without me, you die
Tipo de producción/Type of Production
Año de producción/Production Year
Duración/Running time
48 min.
Coizta Grecko B
Carlos E. Berumen y Claudia Cosío
Aurelio Vargas
Rafa Devillamagallón
Ismael Plascencia
Dirección de arte/Art direction
Patricia Cárdenas
Coizta Grecko B
Carlos E. Berumen y Claudia Cosío
Aurelio Vargas
Rafa Devillamagallón
Ismael Plascencia
Dirección de arte/Art direction
Patricia Cárdenas
En el Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, se celebra cada año la fiesta de los muertos durante la Semana Santa, especialmente el Domingo de Ramos. Los vivos acuden al panteón a visitar a sus parientes en medio de un regocijo de colores, sabores y sonidos. Las juchitecas visten sus mejores galas para acercarse a los que ya no están. Nos aproximamos también a la muerte que, en su andar, se acerca a un pescador y lo lleva entre sus redes. La viuda lo llora, le reclama y lo amortaja de acuerdo a los usos y costumbres Istmeños. La muerte niña traspasa sus realidades para buscar el beso nunca dado y así, por fin, entrar en la inmortalidad, ofreciéndonos una mirada traviesa sobre la muerte en Juchitán. Para los zapotecos la muerte física no es una dolorosa experiencia, es un llamado hacia la otra realidad y para eso nos preparamos.
Every year, the people of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, celebrate the fiesta of the dead during Holy Week, especially on Palm Sunday. The living go to the cemetery to visit their relatives with a rejoicing of colors, tastes and sounds. The women, known as Juchitecas, wear their finest clothing to approach those who are no longer with us. Death is also present and, as she walks around, goes over to a fisherman and catches him in her net. The widow cries over him, calls for him to return and dresses him in a shroud according to their custom. Death, as a young girl, overcomes her condition to find the kiss she never received and, finally, become immortal, giving us a playful glimpse of death in Juchitán. Physical death is not a painful experience for the Zapotec people, they see it as being called to another reality and prepare for it.
Every year, the people of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, celebrate the fiesta of the dead during Holy Week, especially on Palm Sunday. The living go to the cemetery to visit their relatives with a rejoicing of colors, tastes and sounds. The women, known as Juchitecas, wear their finest clothing to approach those who are no longer with us. Death is also present and, as she walks around, goes over to a fisherman and catches him in her net. The widow cries over him, calls for him to return and dresses him in a shroud according to their custom. Death, as a young girl, overcomes her condition to find the kiss she never received and, finally, become immortal, giving us a playful glimpse of death in Juchitán. Physical death is not a painful experience for the Zapotec people, they see it as being called to another reality and prepare for it.
Compañías productoras/Production companies
Académicos, Progresistas y Culturales, A.C., Sineame Producciones
Amaru Olguín, Claudia Santiago, Montserrat de León, Guiedana López y Carlos E. Berumen
Juchitán, Oaxaca (México)
Claudia Cosío
Matías Romero 315
Col. Del Valle
CP 03100, Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52-55) 5575 1462, 5575 0913
Móvil: (52-55) 551301 5018
Enlace a página 1
Matías Romero 315
Col. Del Valle
CP 03100, Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52-55) 5575 1462, 5575 0913
Móvil: (52-55) 551301 5018
Enlace a página 1
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Fecha de última modificación: 8 de agosto del 2011, 13:24
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía