24 cuadros de terror
24 pictures of terror
Tipo de producción/Type of Production
Año de producción/Production Year
Duración/Running time
88 min.
Christian González
Miguel Kahan
Christian González
Rafael Sánchez
Carlos Espinosa
Nahún Velázquez
Christian González
Miguel Kahan
Christian González
Rafael Sánchez
Carlos Espinosa
Nahún Velázquez
Un asesino en serie que se autonombra Lady Killer ha filmado a sus víctimas, todas ellas bellas mujeres a quienes sedujo con engaños. Su propósito es hacer un documental que satisfaga su voraz narcisismo. Contrata a una joven llamada Gilda, quien es editora de comerciales y acepta el encargo pensando que la película es un largometraje, lo cual significa un gran paso en su carrera. Cuando ella revisa el material se da cuenta de que los asesinatos son reales; trata de escapar, pero ya es tarde y se ve obligada a terminar el trabajo. La situación empeora cuando los fantasmas de las víctimas la celan y aterrorizan con juegos sádicos y tenebrosos.
A serial killer who calls himself Lady Killer has filmed his victims, all of whom were beautiful women that he used tricks to seduce. The killer intends to make a documentary that will satisfy his voracious narcissism. He hires a young woman called Gilda, who is advertising editor and accepts the commission thinking that this is going to be a feature film, which would be a great step up in her career. When she looks over the material, she realizes that the murders are real and tries to escape, but it is too late and she is forced to finish the job. The situation goes from bad to worse when the ghosts of his victims get jealous and aterrorize her with sadistic and sinister games.
A serial killer who calls himself Lady Killer has filmed his victims, all of whom were beautiful women that he used tricks to seduce. The killer intends to make a documentary that will satisfy his voracious narcissism. He hires a young woman called Gilda, who is advertising editor and accepts the commission thinking that this is going to be a feature film, which would be a great step up in her career. When she looks over the material, she realizes that the murders are real and tries to escape, but it is too late and she is forced to finish the job. The situation goes from bad to worse when the ghosts of his victims get jealous and aterrorize her with sadistic and sinister games.
Compañías productoras/Production companies
Frontera Productions, LLC.
35 mm
Rafael Amaya, Anna Ciocchetti, Pamela Trueba, Gerardo Murguía, Raquel Bustos, Faisy, Cony Madera, Alberto Licea y Jesús Arriaga
Ciudad de México (México)
Border Films, S.A. de C.V.
Ignacio García Cardelle
Montecito 38 piso 34 oficina 12
Col. Nápoles
CP 03810, Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52-55) 9000 5693
Enlace a página 1
Ignacio García Cardelle
Montecito 38 piso 34 oficina 12
Col. Nápoles
CP 03810, Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52-55) 9000 5693
Enlace a página 1
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Fecha de última modificación: 7 de junio del 2012, 11:42
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía