¿Más vale maña que fuerza?
Brain Is Better Than Brawn
Tipo de producción/Type of Production
Año de producción/Production Year
Duración/Running time
70 min.
María del Carmen de Lara
Leopoldo Best
María del Carmen de Lara
Jorge Suárez, Fernando Acuña y Antonio Uruñuela
Enrique Ojeda
Eduardo Aparicio y Latino Cumbia Boys
María del Carmen de Lara
Leopoldo Best
María del Carmen de Lara
Jorge Suárez, Fernando Acuña y Antonio Uruñuela
Enrique Ojeda
Eduardo Aparicio y Latino Cumbia Boys
Aborda las historias, los logros y dificultades de mujeres boxeadoras y futbolistas. Sus historias son narradas desde una cotidianeidad donde el deporte, la vida familiar y de pareja se entremezclan en un todo complejo y a menudo contradictorio. Todas ellas tienen en común el deseo de destacar en actividades consideradas como propias de los hombres. Algunas persiguen su sueño ejerciendo oficios paralelos como taxistas, taqueras o abogadas. No son iguales a las mujeres víctimas, presas en la familia o en el matrimonio, por una sencilla razón: siguen luchando y no aceptan la derrota. Este documental ve la parte femenina de estos deportes y la inequidad existente. La Poeta del Ring Laura Serrano, Maribel Domínguez Marigol, Charlyn Corral, la cronista Georgina González y la entrenadora Andrea Rodenbaugh, entre otras, dan testimonio de estos sucesos.
This documentary deals with the stories, achievements and difficulties of women boxers and footballers. Their stories are told from the point of view of their daily lives where sport, family live and relationships intermingle in a complex and often contradictory whole. All these women share the desire to triumph in sports normally considered to be men´s sports. Some of them pursue their dream while working at other jobs such as driving taxis, selling tacos or being lawyers. They are not women victims, trapped in the family or in marriage; for the simple reason that they are still fighting, they have not accepted defeat. This documentary looks at the feminine aspect of these sports and the unfairness that there is. The Poeta del Ring Laura Serrano, Maribel Domínguez Marigol, Charlyn Corral, Georgina González, the reporter, and Andrea Rodenbaugh, the trainer, among others, give their accounts of these facts.
This documentary deals with the stories, achievements and difficulties of women boxers and footballers. Their stories are told from the point of view of their daily lives where sport, family live and relationships intermingle in a complex and often contradictory whole. All these women share the desire to triumph in sports normally considered to be men´s sports. Some of them pursue their dream while working at other jobs such as driving taxis, selling tacos or being lawyers. They are not women victims, trapped in the family or in marriage; for the simple reason that they are still fighting, they have not accepted defeat. This documentary looks at the feminine aspect of these sports and the unfairness that there is. The Poeta del Ring Laura Serrano, Maribel Domínguez Marigol, Charlyn Corral, Georgina González, the reporter, and Andrea Rodenbaugh, the trainer, among others, give their accounts of these facts.
Compañías productoras/Production companies
Calacas y Palomas, FOPROCINE, Leopoldo Best
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (IMCINE)
Atletas 2, edificio Luis Buñuel, piso 4
Col. Country Club
CP 04210, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52) 55 54 48 53 39, 55 54 48 53 47
Enlace a página 1
Atletas 2, edificio Luis Buñuel, piso 4
Col. Country Club
CP 04210, Coyoacán, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52) 55 54 48 53 39, 55 54 48 53 47
Enlace a página 1
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Fecha de última modificación: 3 de marzo del 2021, 8:26
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía