Los mejores sentimientos
The Best Feelings
Tipo de producción/Type of Production
Año de producción/Production Year
Duración/Running time
82 min.
Marcos Villaseñor
Shingo Inoue
Marcos Villaseñor
Alonso Mejía
Samantha Bergström
Onofre Ortega
Joanna Newsom
Dirección de arte/Art direction
Julie Djohan
Marcos Villaseñor
Shingo Inoue
Marcos Villaseñor
Alonso Mejía
Samantha Bergström
Onofre Ortega
Joanna Newsom
Dirección de arte/Art direction
Julie Djohan
Hace 16 años Vincenzo Romano abandonó a su esposa Francesca y a sus dos hijas, Bianca y Alessia, sin decir más. Hoy las tres mujeres se encuentran en casa, celebrando un funeral privado a ataúd cerrado para el hombre que Francesca asegura era Vincenzo. La inusual ceremonia, intercalada con viñetas de sus vidas, revela la absoluta falta de comunicación entre las tres protagonistas y sus naturalezas radicalmente opuestas. Súbitamente, el funeral se ve interrumpido por el sonido, absolutamente inesperado, del timbre. Del otro lado de la puerta hay un hombre que dice ser Vincenzo, ya de regreso y arrepentido por todo. La película, avanzando y retrocediendo en el tiempo a lo largo de un año y hasta el fatídico día del funeral, está contada tres veces desde la perspectiva de cada una de las mujeres, unidas y divididas al mismo tiempo por el hombre que las abandonara 16 años antes. Una obscura aproximación a los seres humanos y sus relaciones, un universo donde nada es lo que parecía originalmente.
Sixteen years ago, Vincenzo Romano left his wife, Francesca, and his two daughters, Bianca and Alessia, without saying a word. Today, the three women are at home, holding a closed-casket, private funeral for the man Francesca says was Vincenzo. The unusual ceremony, interspersed with vignettes from their lives, reveals the utter lack of communication between the three protagonists, and their radically opposed natures. The funeral is suddenly interrupted by the totally unexpected sound of the doorbell. On the other side of the door stands a man who claims to be Vincenzo, back for good and sorry for everything. The film, going back and forward in time over the course of a year up to the fateful day of the funeral, is told three times, from the perspective of each of the three women, united and divided at the same time by the man who abandoned them sixteen years earlier. A dark take on the nature of human beings and their relationships, a world in which nothing is quite what it originally seemed.
Sixteen years ago, Vincenzo Romano left his wife, Francesca, and his two daughters, Bianca and Alessia, without saying a word. Today, the three women are at home, holding a closed-casket, private funeral for the man Francesca says was Vincenzo. The unusual ceremony, interspersed with vignettes from their lives, reveals the utter lack of communication between the three protagonists, and their radically opposed natures. The funeral is suddenly interrupted by the totally unexpected sound of the doorbell. On the other side of the door stands a man who claims to be Vincenzo, back for good and sorry for everything. The film, going back and forward in time over the course of a year up to the fateful day of the funeral, is told three times, from the perspective of each of the three women, united and divided at the same time by the man who abandoned them sixteen years earlier. A dark take on the nature of human beings and their relationships, a world in which nothing is quite what it originally seemed.
Compañías productoras/Production companies
Spiralia Films, Contenido Neto
35 mm
Majlinda Agaj, Vanda Cantele, Francesca Corigliano, Toni Pandolfo y Enzo Giraldo
Milán (Italia)
Contenido Neto
Oso 41-6
Col. Del Valle
CP 03100, Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52-55) 5524 3579
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Oso 41-6
Col. Del Valle
CP 03100, Benito Juárez, Ciudad de México
Tels.: (52-55) 5524 3579
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Fecha de última modificación: 10 de febrero del 2011, 9:54
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía
Información proporcionada por:
Red Nacional de Información Cultural
Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía